Painting Exterior Brick: From Dull to Beautiful


When aiming to enhance the exterior appearance of your home, painting the exterior brick can yield a substantial transformation. Whether you want to refresh the look of your house, increase curb appeal, or transform a dull brick exterior into something more visually appealing, painting the exterior brick is a popular solution. This article will explore the benefits, considerations, and techniques for painting exterior brick. So, if you’re wondering whether to embark on this project, keep reading to discover all you need to know.

Pros And Cons Of Painting Brick House

The Pros

Painting your brick house offers several advantages:

  1. It lets you change your home’s appearance completely. Whether you want a traditional look or a modern style, paint can help you achieve the desired aesthetic.
  2. Painting the brick can provide a layer of protection against harsh weather conditions and prevent moisture penetration, which can ultimately extend the lifespan of your brickwork.
  3. If your brickwork has imperfections or discoloration, painting can effectively conceal them, giving your home a fresh and flawless look.

The Cons

While painting a brick house has numerous benefits, it is also essential to consider the potential downsides. One of the main concerns is long-term maintenance. Painted brick requires periodic touch-ups and repainting to maintain its appearance, as the paint may fade or chip over time. Furthermore, once the brick is painted, it’s challenging to revert to the original brick appearance, as paint removal can be time-consuming and labor-intensive. It’s also worth noting that some purists believe that painting brick diminishes its natural beauty and character, as the texture and charm of the brick may be obscured by the paint.

How To Prepare Your Brick Home For A Painting Project?

Proper preparation is crucial before embarking on a painting project for your brick home. Follow these steps to ensure a successful and long-lasting paint job:

  1. Clean the brick: Start by thoroughly cleaning the exterior brick surface. Remove any dirt, grime, or loose debris using a wire brush, water solution, and mild detergent. Rinse off the cleaning solution with water and allow the bricks to dry completely before proceeding.
  2. Inspect for damage: Carefully examine the brick for any signs of wear, such as brake or crumbling mortar. Repair these issues before painting to ensure a stable foundation. Fill gaps with a suitable masonry filler and repair or replace damaged mortar joints.
  3. Protect surrounding areas: Cover windows, doors, plants, and other nearby surfaces with plastic sheeting or drop cloths to protect them from color splatters or overspray.
  4. Prime the brick: Apply a suitable primer designed for masonry surfaces. The primer will create a smooth and uniform base for the paint to adhere to improve its longevity.
  5. Choose the right color: Select a high-quality paint formulated explicitly for exterior masonry surfaces. Opt for breathable paint that allows moisture vapor to escape from the brick, preventing potential issues in the future.
  6. Apply the paint: Cut around edges and corners with a brush, then use a roller or sprayer to apply the paint to the larger areas. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for application & drying times.

Materials Needed To Paint A Brick Exterior

To successfully paint the exterior brick, gather the following materials:

  • Wire brush
  • Mild detergent
  • Water
  • Masonry filler
  • Primer suitable for masonry surfaces
  • High-quality paint for exterior masonry
  • Paintbrushes
  • Roller or paint sprayer
  • Plastic sheeting or drop cloths
  • Painter’s tape
  • Protective clothing and equipment (gloves, goggles, mask)

Steps For Painting A Brick House

Follow these steps to paint the exterior brick of your house:

  1. Clean the brick thoroughly using a wire brush, mild detergent, and water.
  2. Inspect the brick for any damage and make necessary repairs.
  3. Protect surrounding areas with plastic sheeting or drop cloths.
  4. Try a suitable primer for the brick surface.
  5. Choose the desired paint color and type for exterior masonry.
  6. Cut in around the edges and corners with a brush.
  7. Use a sprayer to apply the paint to larger areas.
  8. Allow the color to dry according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
  9. Inspect the painted surface for any touch-ups or additional coats if necessary.

How To Maintain Your Painted Brick Home?

Maintaining a painted brick home will help preserve its appearance & protect it from wear and tear. Here are some tips to keep your painted brick looking fresh:

  1. Regularly inspect the painted surface for any signs of damage, such as cracks or peeling paint. Address any issues promptly to prevent further deterioration.
  2. Clean the painted brick periodically to remove dirt, dust, and pollutants. Use a gentle detergent and a soft-bristle brush or sponge. Rinse with water & allow the surface to dry.
  3. Consider repainting every 5-10 years, depending on the quality of the paint and the climate conditions in your area. Repainting will refresh the look of your home and provide ongoing protection.
  4. Keep an eye on the mortar joints between the bricks. If you notice any deterioration, crumbling, or gaps, consider repointing the mortar to maintain the structural integrity of the brickwork.

Increase Your Home’s Curb Appeal With Brick Paint

Painting your home’s exterior brick is an excellent way to enhance its curb appeal. Choosing the right paint color and investing in a high-quality paint job can transform your home’s appearance and make it stand out in the neighborhood. Whether you opt for a classic neutral tone or a bold and vibrant color, brick paint allows you to express your style and create a welcoming and attractive facade.


Is painting exterior brick a good idea?

Yes, painting exterior brick can be a good idea if you want to refresh the look of your house, increase curb appeal, & provide added protection to the brick surface. However, it’s essential to consider the long-term maintenance requirements and potential impact on the natural beauty of the brick.

What kind of paint do you use on outdoor brick?

For outdoor brick surfaces, it’s recommended to use a high-quality exterior masonry paint that is breathable and specifically formulated for use on brick. These paints are designed to withstand weather elements and provide long-lasting durability.

What is the downside of painting brick?

One downside of painting brick is the long-term maintenance it requires. Painted brick surfaces may need periodic touch-ups and repainting to maintain their appearance. Additionally, once the brick is painted, it can be challenging to revert to the original brick look without extensive removal processes.

Does painting exterior brick last?

The longevity of painted exterior brick depends on various factors, such as the standard of the paint, weather conditions, and proper maintenance. However, with proper preparation, application, and regular upkeep, painted exterior brick can last many years.

Do you regret painting your brick house?

The decision to paint a brick house is subjective and varies from person to person. While some homeowners may be delighted with the results and have no regrets, others may prefer the natural look of brick or face long-term maintenance challenges.

Does painting a brick devalue it?

Painting brick can impact its market value, as some buyers may prefer the natural brick look. However, a well-executed and properly maintained paint job can enhance the house’s curb appeal and overall attractiveness, potentially offsetting any devaluation.

Do I need to prime the brick before painting?

Priming brick before painting is highly recommended. A suitable primer creates a smooth and uniform surface, improves paint adhesion, and enhances the paint job’s longevity.

How long does paint last on the outside brick?

The lifespan of paint on outside brick can vary depending on factors such as the standard of the color, climate conditions, and maintenance. Generally, a well-applied paint job on exterior brick can last anywhere from 05 to 15 years before requiring repainting.

Do you need to prep the brick before painting?

Yes, proper preparation is crucial before painting brick. The surface should be cleaned, any damage repaired, and a suitable primer applied to ensure a smooth and long-lasting paint finish.

Does brick need two coats of paint?

The number of coats required when painting brick depends on factors such as the paint’s color and the brick surface’s condition. In some cases, a single coat may be sufficient; in others, two coats may be necessary to achieve the desired coverage and finish.

Why are people painting their brick houses white?

White-painted brick houses have gained popularity as they offer a timeless and classic look. White exteriors can also make a home appear larger, brighter, and more inviting. Additionally, white-painted brick provides a neutral backdrop for other design elements and allows for versatility in decor choices.

Why is painting brick controversial?

The controversy surrounding painting brick stems from the debate between preserving the natural beauty and character of the brick versus the desire to update or transform the appearance of a home. Some people believe that painting brick diminishes its aesthetic appeal, while others view it as a viable way to refresh and modernize the look of a house.

Does exterior brick need to be sealed before painting?

In most cases, exterior brick must not be sealed before painting. However, if the brick is highly porous or has a history of moisture-related issues, applying a suitable sealer can help enhance the paint adhesion and protect the brick surface.

What is the best color to paint a brick exterior?

The best color to paint a brick exterior depends on personal preferences, architectural style, and the desired overall look. Neutral tones such as shades of white, gray, or beige are popular choices as they offer versatility and timeless appeal. However, bolder colors can also create a striking and unique aesthetic.

Will painted brick peel?

Painted brick can peel if the surface needs to be prepared correctly or if low-quality or incompatible paints are used. However, with proper preparation, high-quality color, and regular maintenance, the risk of peeling can be minimized.

Does painted brick increase home value?

The impact of painted brick on home value can vary depending on elements such as the market, location, and buyer preferences. However, a well-executed paint job that enhances a house’s curb appeal and overall aesthetics can positively influence its perceived value.

What are the pros & cons of painting brick?

The pros of painting brick include changing the appearance, providing protection, and hiding imperfections. However, the cons have ongoing maintenance, the potential impact on natural beauty, and difficulty reverting to the original brick look.

Is painted brick high maintenance?

Painted brick can be considered high maintenance compared to natural brick, as it requires periodic touch-ups and repainting to maintain its appearance. Regular cleaning and inspections are also necessary to ensure the paint’s longevity.

Should you pressure wash the brick house before painting?

Pressure washing the brick house before painting can help remove dirt, grime, and loose debris from the surface, creating a clean canvas for the paint. However, caution must be exercised to keep away from excessive pressure damaging the brick or forcing water into the mortar joints.

What is the best way to paint exterior brick?

The best way to paint exterior brick involves proper preparation, including cleaning, repairing damage, and priming the surface. Then, choose high-quality paint designed for masonry surfaces and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for application.


Contact Bravo Stain Company today to discuss service options that best fit your needs or to schedule your free estimate. We promise to deliver high-quality craftsmanship, professional service, and to deal fairly and honestly with customers.


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Contact Bravo Painting Company today to discuss service options that best fit your needs or to schedule your free estimate. We promise to deliver high-quality craftsmanship, professional service, and to deal fairly and honestly with customers.